The Over-40 Hard Body: Answers and Solutions

by Tim Ritter  –  also known as “Faceless Fat Loss,” that silly headless guy with the tight abs seen year after year on various internet outlets.

          FREE below, I will show you how:

  • The grocery store sells poisonous fattening foods down every single aisle.  I’ll help you navigate it
  • How I went nearly six months without doing any ab exercises at all.  You’ve seen my abs in my videos
  • The Atkins low-carb plans have missed the crucial components for long-term success; I know what they are
  • Food substitutions and replacements can reduce or eliminate pain and completely destroy excess fat
  • The “insane” exercise commonly taught in very popular classes and infomercials will actually contribute to negative metabolic changes over time (they work!…but only as long as you kill yourself doing them)






FACT: All those “Insane” programs on the infomercials, and the “Kill Yourself Kraze” as I call it, ALL mess with your metabolism; in a way that you would not want them to.  Do they work?  As long as you never stop doing them AND decrease your caloric intake.

FACT: Those “fat burners” advertised everywhere, even on the Dr. Oz show (I support many of his efforts, while criticizing some) that do not take into account the quality of foods and activity levels are a waste of money.  WORSE: they could be dangerous and even toxic.

FACT: You do not need to actually lose weight, to look a LOT better than you do currently.  Muscle weighs more than fat, and is also THE fat-burning machine FOR US ALL.  The good news?…You do NOT have to lift heavy weights or even use barbells and dumbbells to obtain the muscle you require.  Both men and women have a range of options.

FACT: Reducing calorie input IS beneficial for everyone over 40 who is trying to get healthier and lose weight.  The body burden, both in digestion and toxins, can be greatly reduced via a lower calorie input.  The good news: everyone can and does adjust, with little to no feelings of deprivation through substitutions.  And with my unique and one-of-a-kind “Diet Cycling”…(more later)…you can feel outright stuffed.

FACT: The people on the magazine covers with those super hot sexy abs, chiseled chests, long (and short!) sexy legs, and those butts you’d give your left foot to squeeze, are LIVING a LIFESTYLE.  They are almost always NOT using the products they endorse, including the ridiculous ab machines and most of the supplements they push (I use or have used every single product that I promote and discuss; a program here with actual honesty and integrity and zero “selling out”).



TIP ONE: One of the most helpful supplements you can take once you’re over 40, that your body desperately wants and needs for both metabolism regulation and detoxification (for me, the two go hand-in-hand).

TIP TWO: Another supplement, cheap and easy to get, that you MUST start using now for fat loss and excellent health, that remains undervalued and understudied even to this day.

TIP THREE: Those “Healthy Grains” we are all told are so good for us, both in the food pyramid and the countless advertisements: Are they one of the worst foods possible for an overweight person?  (Hint: YUP.)

TIP FOUR: Are those “Insane” workouts being promoted everywhere nowadays effective?!?  (They are if you want to lose a lot of weight…and then gain it all back and then some!  Studies PROVE this over and over).


“I wish to sincerely thank you for sharing your wisdom. Your ‘Get Well, then Get Fit’ approach has delivered tremendous results for me. I have lost 25kg…and I haven’t even begun regular exercise yet! After years of temporary results from yo-yo diets and exercise programs, I know that the wisdom of your approach will enable me to maintain good health and an ideal body weight for the rest of my life. The rejuvenating effects I have observed in my body are too numerous to list here. Also, my partner was so impressed with the results that she’s now a devotee of your methods and is getting impressive results too. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Carl, New Zealand

“Your info has ‘profoundly’ opened my eyes…Your workout truly makes my body a fat-burning machine…I can see an outline of my six pack…I actually got to wear a pair of jeans I saved from the late 90′s…I saved them for that “someday” and finding you and your program…well, you’re my “someday” Tim…THANK YOU…Not bad for a 46 yr old female… I just can’t tell you how excited I am…so exciting!”

Shannon Unkefer                      Minerva, OH



How a large number of prescription medications may be completely thwarting your weight loss efforts.

Why dieting is absolutely NOT the answer.  Dieting, over 90% of the time, leads to failure.

What about this “Raw Food/Fruitarian/Vegan” Craze going on these days?  Is it a good idea?  (Answer…YES!…and…NO!)

Why the heck am I on this website???

Diet soda now PROVEN to make you FAT


“My husband lost over 100 lbs due to a few of your techniques. I am attaching his pictures (See Testimonials HERE). I feel like I’m married to a different man. You saved my husband’s life.”

Courtney Ramirez                     San Francisco, CA



Why Liposuction is NOT the Answer; Study Proves Huge Disadvantages

Beating Genetic Obesity 24/7….we do NOT have to buy into the idea that we are STUCK

Using Laxatives to Lose Weight…JUST DON’T DO IT

Jeremy, 41, (on the right) has been following the FacelessFatloss program for years now.  The Over 40 and Ripped program fine-tunes the FacelessFatloss program even further, with special emphasis on our specific nutritional needs, injury-free exercise and a “Diet-Cycling” technique unique to this program only.



“YES,” I do use a Master Cleanse-style fast.  Mine, however, is different from any other out there.

 My mission towards “The Least Amount of Exercise for the Largest Amount of Results”

Remember the 80’s?  Those Sexy Skinny Bodies Everywhere?  The Solid Gold Dancers?  Bay Watch Babes?  High-Cut Swimsuits?



I am required to state that I am not a doctor, and a doctor’s advice should be sought before engaging in any weight loss or fat loss program. Results may not be typical, and depend largely on the amount of effort put forth into the program. Nothing included in the Over40andRipped program is intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease. The program contains only the opinions and experiences of Tim Ritter, the steps he has taken to achieve the results seen on various internet outlets, and the purchaser agrees to take sole responsibility for their own choices and actions. The answers provided to those via email or by phone are answers covering how Tim Ritter personally would handle the same questions, and are not intended to be medical advice or recommendations, only personal opinions based on anecdotal experience.  All visitors to this website are required to read and agree to the terms and conditions of using this site.


SPECIAL “THANK YOU” to Art Butcher for building this site. Please contact him at: