Cell Phones are just TOO prone to health issues of various kinds. 


Studies in some countries are bearing this out, while in western society, where the industry is huge and untouchable, studies either are not done, or are not done sufficiently or thoroughly enough for real results to be determined more conclusively.  And in my opinion, the kind of studies that really need to be done in this area simply are not going to happen.  Too many commercial interests at stake.

Meanwhile, a study out of Sweden at the Karolinska Institute found that talking on a cell phone prior to bedtime increased the time it took for the person to reach deep sleep, and then the amount of time actually spent in deep sleep.  It is in these deepest states of sleep that we tend to obtain the most sleep-related benefits, into the delta waves and in or beyond rapid eye movement where dreams are often occurring.

It is believed that the ionizing radiation from cell phones may interfere with the production of melatonin, a hormone that brings on sleepiness.  One option is to try using a land line instead, if we must make a call at night before retiring.

Most of you know I am not a fan of cell phones.  I don’t harp on the subject because it is such a sour one.  As of this writing, I still have not bought myself a smart phone, and have only been texting recently as a matter of convenience.  I will get a smart phone soon.  And do use one on occasion (a friend’s phone).  But I personally can sense…for lack of better word…how much they drain me. 

I have also watched two friends be impacted by cells in ways that are fairly blatant: One friend is a brilliant man, is very financially diverse and comes from a wealthy family, and became used to using a cell phone on a near-constant basis as part of his lifestyle.  There is no question in my opinion that his ability to focus has plummeted since he began using this device.  He holds it to his head, and we have discussed this issue to which he mostly agrees that both the effect has happened, and that it is likely caused by the phone.

The other person began experiencing an incessant inner “clicking” sensation in their inner ear after using one.  It did not go away until she stopped using the device for several days.

It simply makes sense.  And since our bodies communicate on a cellular level via frequencies, it seems to reason that the frequency “soup” we have found ourselves swimming in on a daily basis, is likely to cause some sort of effect on our bodies.

I have given up on debating this topic with those who believe they are safe.  For me, it is an intuitive “knowing” that keeps their use to a minimum in my life, along with what I have experienced first hand with them and watched happen second hand. 

All I’m here to do for you is to report on what research I have found and tell you about my feelings on them, and hope that you will take them into consideration.

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